1. European Mobility Week
EMW is a major EU awareness raising campaign for promoting usage of public transport, walking and cycling and to encourage European cities to introduce these modes of transport and to invest in the new necessary infrastructures. EMW is the project initiated by the European Commission, Directorate General for Environment. The project is running for more than 20 years with participation of more than 2000 cities each year. YCC has been appointed by the Serbian Minister for Transport as official co-ordinator of EMW which we are doing from 2001 to 2019. During that period we organized EMW 18 times with participation of 15 – 20 cities on average per year (www.mobilityweek.eu).
Some of the documents from previous years
Children’s exhibition (“My city without a car”) organized 8 times for EMW
A special “brand” of YCC is BIKE FEST, festival of cycling. It was organized 14 times so far with participation of more than 1000 people each time. The purpose of BF is to promote some of the new bicycle infrastructure projects and to provoke local authorities for building them.
The most important ones were:
- bicycle paths in New Belgrade (more than 50 km realized after that, in 2003)
- bike lift on the bridge on the Sava river (realized in 2005)
From an idea to Reality
- bascule bridge for cyclists and pedestrians on the Sava river (proposal submitted to the city administration (2009)
3. Pomotion of Euro Velo Route no. 6 through Belgrade (2012)
– During EMW there was a caravan of several hundred of cyclists who signed a petition to the Main Architect of Belgrade to start with this project.
4. “STREETS FOR CYCLISTS” – critical mass of cyclists in Belgrade (2011)
Together with another NGO “OSMEH – SMILE”, YCC started the critical mass, first in Serbia. We organized a cycle ride through Belgrade once in a month, which is now recognisable event and a brand in Belgrade. The purpose is to raise awareness about cycling in our cities. Each time we had between 100 and 200 participants, with slight growth.
YCC was engaged by the Hungarian consultancy “Kozlekedes” to make a route through whole Yugoslavia. It was a first EVR project in Serbia.

Organization of bicycle tour through former Yugoslavia countries for 100 cyclists from EU, financed by UNESCO – ROSTE, from Venice. Purpose of the trip was to promote natural and historical values and present them to cyclists. In order to raise awareness for protection of natural resources and cycle tourism, there were several workshops organized along the tour. One of the results was the launching of “Green Belt Initiative”.

Organization of tour for 400 cyclists from Budapest and Bucharest along the Euro Velo Route 6, together with the final event in Belgrade, with few thousands of participants. The project was funded by EU DG for Enlargement. YCC was responsible for all events and logistic through Romania and Serbia.

YCC has initiated a project to connect all venues for Universiade in Belgrade, 2009, with bicycle paths, organization of tourists’ rental scheme, Velo taxi, public bicycles, etc. The project was financed by the City Secretariat for Traffic. The main idea was to connect all sport venues by bicycle paths.

YCC has obtained a licence to adopt and introduce in Serbia an educational programme for children, from the Irish Ministry of Transport, BIKE START. The project was financed by the Serbian Ministry for Youth and Sport and the first version of the programme was prepared in 2011 (POKRENI BAJS). Since then, YCC implemented the BIKE START program in more than 40 schools in Serbia, engaging more than 5000 pupils.